Adult Individual/Couple Therapists:

Tonya Semas, MFT/NP


Teen Telehealth Group lead by JoAnne Forman, MFT.


High School girls group - We will be offering a telehealth group to support the development of social skills as well as Cognitive Behavioral tools to manage stress and anxiety.  The group will focus on teaching (and practicing) mindfulness, coping, and self-care strategies, and will provide an opportunity for girls to connect with other teens who are also learning and practicing these skills. 

More info-

Using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, this group will facilitate the development of stress-tolerance and anxiety-management tools. Focuses include:

●  Developing coping skills to maintain perspective and self-esteem in the face of intense emotions

●  Gaining confidence to navigate relationships and school stress

●  Increasing self-awareness and insight into patterns or habits which no longer serve them

Who- This group is for high school girls. 

Who runs the group -  led by JoAnne Forman, MFT.  JoAnne is a Cognitive Behavioral Therapist who specializes in treating anxiety, depression, and other challenges unique to adolescence and young-adulthood.

Group Size – No more than 8 participants 

Fee- 90$ per session with some flexibility for sliding scale.

Chelsea Hill - We met Chelsea when she was leading a Hip Hop class for kids in our community. Chelsea holds a degree in Psychology and Contemporary Dance as well as her MA in Dance Movement Therapy & Counseling. Her specialized background came through in the way she taught and lead this group of youngsters. She leads with a spirit that has her class engaged, learning and having fun! Chelsea writes, “My approach to teaching is a healthy balance of education, excitement, and inclusiveness. I believe each student plays a unique role, bringing varieties of expression and approach to connection that are all valuable as the group becomes bonded and cohesive. I emphasize community, curiosity, respect, and kindness. I believe rather than waiting for chaos to recruit structure, a little structure allows for doses of constructive chaos!”

Mindfulness/meditation resources



Insight Timer

Tara Brach

CBEM (Creating Behavioral and Educational Momentum)

CBEM brings lasting positive changes to the individuals with developmental disabilities we serve, some of whom experience mental illness. Their process beings with observations from which they design a comprehensive plan. It continues on as they teach their clients and their circle of support how to obtain positive sustainable outcomes.